What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a term that refers to a variety of services that run over the Internet. It includes services such as data storage, databases, software, servers, and computer networks linked through the internet for server redundancy or cluster computing.

One of the main benefits of cloud computing is it allows users to work remotely because they can access data from anywhere with an Internet connection. It also helps organizations lower operating costs, run their infrastructure more efficiently, and scale quickly.

Cloud computing solutions as a service can be organized into three categories:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Rental of IT infrastructure (storage or networking resources) from a cloud provider instead of a physical data center.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): An on-demand platform that includes everything needed for the web application lifecycle plus IaaS services.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Provides software applications to end users, typically via the Internet and on a subscription basis.

What Are the Four Types of Cloud Computing?

Several cloud computing models cater to the different needs of an organization. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; you must figure out where to put the workloads or services. You have four options:

Public Cloud

A public cloud is owned and managed by third-public service providers, such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure. Since the environment is created from IT infrastructure that the user down not own, the provider can partition and redistribute it to other clients.

Private Cloud

A private cloud is an environment used exclusively by a single organization or end-user. It's built on top of the enterprise's underlying IT infrastructure and runs behind a firewall for secure access. A private cloud can be hosted on-site or off-site in a vendor-owner datacenter. 

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud comprises multiple public and private clouds linked together so data and apps can be shared and move easily between environments. With a hybrid cloud, a business can scale on demand and more quickly, as data can efficiently move in and out of separate but linked environments.


A multi-cloud is different from a hybrid cloud because it uses cloud services from more than one company. It becomes a hybrid cloud environment if there is  integration or connection between the clouds. Some organizations choose to do this to have more control over sensitive data and ensure data recovery.

What Are the Top Benefits of Cloud Computing?

Here are some of the concrete benefits of using cloud computing solutions:

  • Cost Savings: It eliminates the cost of operating on-site data centers, which can be high given the utilities and staffing expenses associated with managing the infrastructure.
  • Increase Productivity: It takes away time-consuming IT management tasks so IT teams can focus more on accomplishing key business goals.
  • Better Reliability: Data backup, business continuity, and disaster recovery become easier and less expensive to achieve with the mirroring of data in multiple sites.
  • More Flexibility: One of the unparalleled benefits of cloud computing is the ability to scale with ease according to an organization's needs.

What Are the Risks of Cloud Computing?

Despite the advantages, cloud computing also comes with a few risks:

  • Data Loss: Organizations can lose their data when a cloud service provider suffers from power losses, technical failures, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, and unexpected crises. However, data protection strategies and solutions are available to mitigate this risk.
  • Compromised Security: While vendors take steps to secure their data centers, platforms, and IT infrastructure from possible threats, lapses on the client's end can expose vulnerabilities that lead to attacks. Sound security practices remain a must with cloud computing.
  • Migration Challenges: Migrating data between cloud environments can be complicated due to a lack of expertise, vendor lock-in, and platform differences.

Cloud Computing and Data Networks

Ready to reap the benefits of cloud computing for your enterprise? Let Data Networks help you find the best cloud solutions for your needs and set you up for success in the cloud. To learn more about this and other IT solutions, check out our blog.

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